Let's Build The Better
World Together
Be the hopeful ray of sunshine on someone’s gloomy day, and donate for a brighter tomorrow.
Be the hopeful ray of sunshine on someone’s gloomy day, and donate for a brighter tomorrow.
NGO SeLf CaRe is a social aid site which acts as hub among NGO's present across the country for personal and social well being whose primary mission is not commercial but focuses on environment,education,health and other issues of the disadvantaged group.
We truly believe that volunteers are the backbone of every organization not only do they carry the organization’s ideals within them and help the organization in implementing them on the ground.
Thanks to people across India who donate money to NGO we are able to support better health, nutrition, education and safety for disadvantaged group.
We are proud to work with corporate partners, trusts and foundations, bilateral and multilateral agencies; and research institutions.